Standing Committees are Perpetual in Nature
(Members Only may access the list of committees with contact information in the Members Only tab)
National Committee on Constitution, Rules & Regulations
Nancy Hilton, PNP, OH (Chair); Ramona Greenwalt, PNP, OH; Linda Brown, AP, WI
National Committee on Rituals
Ramona Greenwalt, PNP, OH (Chair); Denise Oman, PNP, WI; Judy Trepanier, PNP, NE
National Committee on Policy and Procedures
Denise Oman, PNP, WI (Chair); Judy Morgan, NS, OH; Rebekah Thomas, PDP, CA/PAC
National Committee on New Auxiliaries
Sue Freshley, VP/PNP OH (Chair); Jane Graham, PNP, OH; Linda Kronberg, PNP, WI
National Committee on Membership
Sue Freshley, VP/PNP OH (Chair); Hope Parker, PDP, NY; Verna Maleski, AP, AZ
All Department Vice Presidents and Auxiliary at Large Vice Presidents
National Committee on Technology & Communications
Wanda Langdon, PNP OH (Chair); Allison Pollitt, PNP, WI; Danielle Vance, Chesapeake
National Committee on Forms and Documents
Nancy Hilton, NS/PNP, OH (Chair); Judy Morgan, PNS, OH; Julie Huttick, AP, TN
National Committee on Remembrance Day
Viola Loder-Smithcors, PDP, NJ (Chair)
National Committee on Charitable Activities
Vicki Weiss, PDP, MI (Chair)
National Committee on the National Encampment Site
Valencia Reyes, AP, TX (Chair); Colleen Swafford, OH; Rosemary Martin, NP, Chesapeake; Jill Sweitzer, TX; Jana Marsh, TX
Special Committees are not Perpetual. Their terms and number of members are set by the National Encampment
National Special Committee on Fraternal Relations
Rosemary Martin, NP, Chesapeake (Chair)
National Auxiliary Female Veteran Liaison Officer
Susan Fallon, PDP, WI (Chair)
National Special Committee on Badges
Ramona Greenwalt, PNP, OH (Chair); Rachelle Bursheim, PNP, CA/PAC; Ramona Greenwalt, PNP, OH; Sue Freshley, PNP, OH; Nancy Hilton, PNP, OH; Danielle Michaels, PNP, WI
National Special Committee on Brochure Update
Danielle Michaels, PNP, WI (Chair); Barbara Lynch, OH; Karen Schwarz, OH
National Special Committee on Revision of Job Descriptions/Standard Operating Procedures
Danielle Michaels, PNP, WI (Chair); Marsha Fetty-Huffman, TN; Judy Morgan, PNS, OH
National Special Committee for PNP Mentorship Program
Denise Oman, PNP, WI (Chair); Jane Graham, PNP, OH; Danielle Michaels, PNP, WI
National Special Committee for 501c3 Designation with IRS Obtainment
Nancy Hilton, PNP, OH (Chair); Ramona Greenwalt, PNP, OH; Ellen Higgins, NJ; Mary Rittel, IA
National Special Committee on Grave Markers
Nancy Hilton, PNP OH (Chair); Connie Horning, DP, MI; Rebekah Thomas, PDP, CA/PAC
National Special Committee on 250th USA 2026 – Semiquincentennial
Denise Oman, PNP, WI (Chair); Kim Villalva, PDP, OH; Susan Fallon, PDP, WI
National Special Committee on Mission, Vision, and Planning
Julie Huttick, AP, TN, (Chair); Allison Pollitt, PNP, WI; Lisa Smith, MI; Denise Thompson, DP, Chesapeake; Connie Horning, DP, MI; Hope Parker, PDP, NY; Rosemary Martin, NP, Chesapeake